After playing hide-and-seek for years, film star Shabnur finally talked about her conjugal life and introduced her husband Anik Mahmud to her fans.
The couple shared the stage of the Manna Festival on Friday at Bangladesh Shishu Academy in Dhaka.
“Do you like my husband?” the actress threw the question to the audience.
Though it was an open secret and rumours roamed around here and there centring Shabnur’s marriage, she successfully kept it a secret for years.
Shabnur said she tied the knot on 6 December, 2011 but her husband said it was 28 December, 2012.
Anik Mahmud cleared up the confusion, saying, “We got married on 28 December in 2012 but got engaged on 6 December in 2011. Nupur (Shabnur’s nickname) might have mixed up these two dates.”
Before the Manna Festival, Shabnur was never seen in any gathering with her husband since their marriage.

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